UX Analysts

The success of any project, it doesn’t matter, is creating a website, prepa­ring and launching a new adver­ti­sing campaign, etc. always depends on the success of the team making it. And what kind of team this will be, what kind of relati­ons it will have, who will be respon­si­ble for what, etc. direct­ly depends on the project manager. But someti­mes this positi­on is descri­bed so vague­ly that it is not comple­te­ly clear what all the same a person is engaged in who is called the two letters “PM”.

That project manager is the person appoin­ted by the execu­ting organiza­ti­on to lead the team and respon­si­ble for achie­ving the project goals.


Full Employ­ment


Full Employ­ment


New York


New York


Full Day


Full Day






3 years


3 years

On the market, the concept of who Project Manager is is quite vague. Someone thinks that RM should defini­te­ly have programming experi­ence. For someone, soft skills are more important.

We are right for your if:

Working with people is a diffi­cult job. You need to hear everyo­ne and give him what he expects to recei­ve as a result. We are ready to work with you if you:
All further success of your compa­ny direct­ly depends on the develo­ped custo­mer base, there­fo­re it is very important to carry out adver­ti­sing orders quick­ly, effici­ent­ly and without large margins. In this case, word of mouth will work, and the compa­ny will earn positi­ve feedback from custo­mers. The owner of the compa­ny will only reap the benefits and enjoy the finan­cial success!

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